Eucharistic Revival

I Thirst For Your Love

“Tender, earnest, and heartfelt—I Thirst For Your Love is an excellent collection of beautiful poignant Eucharistic reflections. Author Michael Seagriff believes we have lost the sense of the Sacred and offers countless reasons for us to pause and ponder Jesus’ Sacred thirst for our love. I highly recommend this book.”

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, Author, Speaker  and ETWN Host

“As I was reading [this book] I just kept thinking how urgent is this message. You say it with clarity and charity. Anyone reading this book will not be able to resist the ‘wooing’ of our Savior to His wounded heart. As a woman, the holy gift of my receptivity resides and is invigorated by His Eucharistic presence. Jesus in the tabernacle is our only hope, quenching His thirst our single aim.”

Anne Costa, Author and Catholic Radio Host

[The author] has written a book full of little reminders as eye-opening as they are stimulating and, in some cases, conscience pricking. We are taken on a journey of considerations surrounding our behavior and attitudes toward Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the effect of stirring us to spend more time with Our Lord in Adoration and being more focused and attentive at Mass…I think this book needs to be promoted in every parish for the sake of evangelizing ourselves and others. ..

Barb Schoeneberger, Catholic Blogger

Stirring Slumbering Souls – 250 Eucharistic Reflections

This book accomplished what author Michael Seagriff hoped: that is to ignite my heart and stir my soul to love Jesus more and more. The words contained in this volume speak Truth and breathe Life and offer the reader a broad sampling of some of the finest thoughts and reflections on the Eucharist–our source and summit and surest Love. I can’t wait to get to Adoration! “Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful gem with me. I feel like every single Catholic should read it and have a copy and then share it with someone who isn’t and then we would be all set in this world. Such richness here and it stirs up so much in the soul.

Anne Cardozo Costa

Stirring Slumbering Souls is an eloquent treasury of Eucharistic reflections which you will enjoy reading over and over again. I read the reflections during Eucharistic adoration and just before bedtime. They were comforting, peaceful, insightful, and gave me a new appreciation and love for the Eucharist. I highly recommend this book for all who desire to grow in their love of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Jean M. Heimann

If you bring this book with you to adoration, there is material enough to meditate upon for weeks or even months. Seagriff then supplies ten questions for further reflection, testimonies of adorers, and various prayers. I can’t imagine anyone reading this book without their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament increasing.

Connie Rossini

Stirring Slumbering Souls is a beautiful anthology from saints, mystics and friends of Jesus. This book has the potential to facilitate deeper reflection and response for its readers who truly seek to grow in their faith and appreciation for the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. For some, just one quote could bring the moment of change and profound conversion for which they have longed. For others, this will be a companion to them in their prayer times at home and in Church. As for me, it will be among my select and treasured go-to spiritual books.

Christine M. Arabik, M.A.

Michael Seagriff’s recently published, Stirring Slumbering Souls, gently reminds us that “to the Real Presence of Jesus, we often respond with our real absence!” (Father Florian Racine)…Seagriff reminds Christians of Jesus’ love and longing for us. Sadly, many who profess a belief in God’s presence in the tabernacle, casually enter a church still distracted by the cares of the world. If Saint Matthew (16:17-18) asks Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes, but fail to see? Do you have ears, but fail to hear? Michael Seagriff answers with a carefully researched collection of two-hundred and fifty meditations that document the church’s response to Jesus’ call to intimacy.

Don Mulcare

Seagriff has done an exceptional job at bringing together all the voices, that we need to hear. Voices that sing the same song: Spend time with Jesus now, in faith. If you can’t find the time, or the desire, to spend time with Jesus now, then why should Jesus think that you would want to spend eternity with him, later?

Ginny Lieto

Michael Seagriff describes himself as a simple man, but his thoughts and reflections, and his choice of 250 Eucharistic Reflections in Stirring Slumbering Souls, are anything but simple. Rather, his choice reflects his profound love of his Lord and his devotion to The Eucharist. Buy a copy and keep it with you to read and re-read. You will be profoundly moved.

David Torkington

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